Nieuwe cricketcoach voor HBS, Nic Adendorff stelt zich voor

Wegens het vertrek van Gavin Kaplan bij HBS was een vacature ontstaan. Gelukkig hebben we de contacten van Wesley Barresi, de nieuwe captain, kunnen benutten om een zeer veelbelovende cricketer van de prestigieuze Titans Academy in Pretoria te contracteren.

Zijn naam is Nic Adendorff. Hij stelt zich graag even voor:

Good afternoon,

My name is Nicholas Adendorff and I'm  from the SSE Titans Academy in Pretoria, I'm an allrounder, and my love for cricket started at a very young age. I have always wanted to play and coach overseas so this is a great opportunity for me.


I’m very excited to be joining HBS. This will be a great opportunity for me to improve and develop my cricket on a personal level. A common bond that can unite many people, even with diverse views and beliefs, is a passion for the game of cricket. I'm passionate about developing and assisting the upcoming youth with their cricket skills as well as meeting new cricketers

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